Mukudzei Chingwere recently in Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls, a city built on tourism, is pinning its prospects of salvaging something from a Covid-19 affected year on the national vaccination programme allowing more and more people to visit the city in relative safety.

Those in the wildlife sector have turned to the Government and corporate world to support the sector in the face of both Covid-19 and climate change, while those involved in arts sector have resorted to selling wares online.

Tourism, an industry that largely relies on travel, has been hard hit by Covid-19 mitigatory measures which are anchored on avoiding crowds and banning unnecessary travelling, measures taken around the world. Government came in with some relief measures to help the sector remain afloat, which has averted collapse.

Hospitality Association of Zimbabwe (HAZ) vice president Mr Farai Chimba said the hospitality sector was anchored on travel and recovery would depend on successful vaccination programmes and the reduction of new Covid-19 infections.

It was critical to reach herd immunity by embracing vaccines to create a safer hospitality environment and reduction of new cases through adherence to protocols by all parties.

“We should continue to encourage domestic travel while creating visibility as a safe destination which has already received endorsement as one of the safest places to visit post Covid-19 pandemic,” said Mr Chimba.