Although small island States are the most vulnerable to rising sea levels, the scope of those impacted is much wider, the President of the UN General Assembly warned on Thursday.

Addressing a special summit meeting, Dennis Francis – a veteran diplomat from Trinidad and Tobago – said he was determined to make sure the issue gets the attention it deserves during his presidency.

With the climate crisis unfolding rapidly, the need for more inclusive and innovative approaches to slowing climate change, including rising seas, has been resonating throughout High Level Week, in particular, at the Climate Ambition Summit.

No exaggeration

For many countries, especially the Small Island Developing States, the matter at hand represents an existential threat.

“This is not a speculation or over-exaggeration. It is real,” explained Mr. Francis, substantiating his words with data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The UN body assessing the science related to climate change, estimates that under current conditions the global-mean sea level is likely to rise between eight and 29 centimetres by 2030, with equatorial regions suffering the most.

The rise is mainly driven by thermal expansion, aggravated by the melting of mountain glaciers and the ice cap, with a further rise anticipated of up to 70 cm by 2070.

Extreme sea level events which used to occur once every century could become an annual phenomenon by the close of this century.