The UN Secretary-General had a clear message on Wednesday to world leaders arriving in New York next week: “This is not a time for posturing or positioning.”

“Action is what the world needs” he said defining the gathering of 193 Member States for the UN General Assembly High Level Week as a “one of a kind moment” to both assess the state of world affairs but also “act for the common good.”

“This is not a time for indifference or indecision”, António Guterres told reporters at UN Headquarters. “This is a time to come together for real, practical solutions.”

‘Compromise for a better tomorrow’

“It is time for compromise for a better tomorrow. Politics is compromise. Diplomacy is compromise. Effective leadership is compromise.”

He began his remarks reflecting on the thousands of deaths in Morocco and Libya in recent days.

“The United Nations is mobilizing to support relief efforts. We will work in any and every way we can with partners to help get emergency assistance to those who so desperately need it”, said the Secretary-General.

Fresh from key international summits in Nairobi, Jakarta and New Delhi – plus a visit to Havana on Thursday to meet leaders of the G77 group plus China – he said UNGA78 was convening for high level meetings amidst huge challenges.

He cited the intensifying climate emergency, new conflicts, the cost of living, and soaring inequality.