While Tanzania is envied for having immense opportunities for agricultural development, doubtful farming stakeholders are arguing that without joining forces and using proven experience of institutions like SAGCOT, modern agricultural development will not be realised as quickly as it is perceived.

“Few African countries can pride themselves of having 20 million of arable land awaiting development. Few countries get good rains as we do.

Tanzania has 44 million hectares of arable land,” said Dr Ferdinand Bayaka, a retired public servant, now a small dairy farmer on the environs of Dar es Salaam city. “Go to Mpwapwa and you will know what I am talking about.

“I have lived there, I have lived in Kongwa,” he said, quipping that what Tanzanians dismiss as arid land, elsewhere on this continent “it is first choice land for farming.”

Dr Bayaka said until he retired in 2015, the impression he had was that less than 30 per cent of Tanzania’s arable had been put to good use. “We have to join forces to develop agriculture, shed poverty and if you like feed Africa by 2030. Use SAGCOT model because it is there,” he said.

The ambition of Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT), since its inception in 2010, has been to work with partners to have inclusive, sustainable and viable agricultural value chains in southern Tanzania. SAGCOT now has clusters, namely Ihemi, Mbarali and Kilombero, in southern and Morogoro regions respectively. SAGCOT says clusters have sufficient land and conducive climate.

Agricultural stakeholders agreed that SAGCOT has accumulated valuable experience that should be spread countrywide.

An official from SAGCOT centre said: “By2030, SAGCOT partners seek to bring 350,000 hectares of land into profitable production, transition 100,00 small-scale farmers into commercial farming, create 420,00 new jobs, lift 20 million people out of poverty and generate 1.2 billion dollars in annual farming revenue.”

The government of President Samia Suluhu Hassan wants to push further Tanzania’s commitment to commercialise agriculture while creating income opportunities for small farmers in rural and urban Tanzania, hence the slogan: “let’s work hard to feed Africa by 2030.”

A recent meeting on agricultural development held in Dar es Salaam called for popularizing the SAGCOT model “in all districts of Tanzania in order to achieve President Samia’s vision to feed Africa by 2030.”