Urgent support is needed for tens of thousands of missing migrant families who are often forced to rely on smugglers and other informal networks, to trace loved ones, the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) said on Wednesday.

Despite human rights obligations, their perspectives are being ignored in government debates about safe migration. This results in persistent exclusion and marginalization, which has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Smuggling investigations

A study by IOMs’ Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), found that authorities often frame missing migrant cases as investigations into migrant smuggling, rather than about the disappearance itself.

Yet, families’ testimonies indicate the devastating psychological anguish, as well as legal, financial and administrative impacts of the disappearance of their relatives, the report said, highlighting the case of a farmer in Ethiopia whose missing sons had been his hope for the future.

‘My life is becoming hell’

“They used to help me till and farm the land and now I am getting older and weaker and can’t work”, he said. “I rely on my relatives for agricultural labour but my farm is ploughed late and cannot produce much. My life is becoming hell. I cannot even pay the moneylender. My wife is already bedridden.”

The report revealed how inequalities shaped by factors such as gender, age, class, race, and migration status impede search efforts.